Kalos Training Blog

Will Calisthenics Build Muscle?

Will Calisthenics Build Muscle?

It tends to be the first thing on someone’s mind when they first hear about calisthenics (especially in young men). ‘Can I build muscle and get bigger with just calisthenics?’

Will Calisthenics Build Muscle?

It tends to be the first thing on someone’s mind when they first hear about calisthenics (especially in young men). ‘Can I build muscle and get bigger with just calisthenics?’

What you need to start calisthenics

What you need to start calisthenics

It’s coming to the end of January and everyone is giving their New Year’s resolutions a second shot. Some people want to lose weight, others want to pack on some...

What you need to start calisthenics

It’s coming to the end of January and everyone is giving their New Year’s resolutions a second shot. Some people want to lose weight, others want to pack on some...

skipping vs running benefits

Skip your next jog : The benefits of skipping v...

What activity resembles cardio to you? If you said running you're not alone, most people instantly gravitate towards running for their cardio workouts. But times are changing, skipping is becoming...

Skip your next jog : The benefits of skipping v...

What activity resembles cardio to you? If you said running you're not alone, most people instantly gravitate towards running for their cardio workouts. But times are changing, skipping is becoming...