What you need to start calisthenics

What you need to start calisthenics

It’s coming to the end of January and everyone is giving their New Year’s resolutions a second shot. Some people want to lose weight, others want to pack on some muscle, and most just want to feel healthier and happier. But a lot of people find running boring, and commercial gyms are over-crowded and expensive. That’s where Calisthenics comes in.


What Is Calisthenics?

While it may sound scary to the uninitiated, calisthenics is any exercise that involves using your own bodyweight as resistance, as opposed to heavy dumbbells and kettlebells. A push-up is calisthenics. A simple squat is calisthenics. Even the plank is calisthenics.

There are a whole range of exercises that fall under the spectrum of calisthenics. There are the simple, easier movements like those listed above. Then there are the more complex, harder exercises, like muscle-ups and the planche.


So Why Calisthenics?

There are dozens and dozens of reasons why people get hooked on calisthenics. But most importantly:

  1. It’s Beginner Friendly

Most people who have been to a gym have looked at the equipment and the machines and felt completely overwhelmed. Worried they’ll look silly, they never touch it and try to find something simpler and less complicated. Well, calisthenics is that ‘something simpler.’

Because it only requires bodyweight, calisthenics is accessible to everyone and very easy to do; most people have done push-ups, sit-ups, and squats in P.E or gym class. With a range of easier variations such as kneeling push-ups or negative pull-ups, there is always a calisthenic routine fit for you and your own goals. Whether that's just to get more in shape or learn a handstand pushup. That's your choice.

  1. It’s Fun

During and after exercise, or a workout, our body releases serotonin and dopamine, the two hormones responsible for increasing your mood and overall happiness. This is because exercise causes a jolt in nerves to the brain’s reward centre. Everyone feels good after a workout, it’s just science.

But more than that, calisthenics gives people a sense of confidence and control. As impressive as it is to bench press 100kg (220lbs), the feeling of being in full control of your own body and able to push it, pull it, and lift it at will gives a feeling of pride like no other.

  1. It’s Free

Thirdly, and for a lot of people most importantly, calisthenics is free. To get started all you need is an open bit of space to move around in. This could be a park, a garden, or even a bedroom floor. The range of exercises and workouts that can be done with just a flat area of flooring is astounding. And remember how people release dopamine and serotonin after a workout? Imagine how much greater that release will be when the workout doesn’t hurt the wallet.


Everything You Need

As previously mentioned, the beauty of calisthenics is that it is free. All that’s needed is an open space and your favourite workout clothes.

Checkout our community favourite HERE, the Black eco-Athletic T, made from 9 plastic bottles. Lightweight and durable, perfect for your calisthenics starter kit.

Kalos fitness tshirt

For those looking to level up their workouts, there is a range of easy-to-use, and affordable equipment on the market as well. Want to shake up your warm-up, or even your whole workout routine? Why not add a skipping rope? 

Don't have a skipping rope yet? Unlock your cardio today and enjoy 20% off the Kalos Apex rope with code 'BlogUnlocked' CLICK HERE.


For more help getting started with calisthenics, including exercise guides, workouts, and other great tips, why not subscribe to our newsletter. It’s free, and it means all that information goes directly to you. Find the form at the bottom of this page.


Looking for more? 

Checkout our first blog where we consider the differences between Skipping and Jogging. READ HERE

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